The following booklets provide you with important and useful information you need to know before coming to Hakodate. Please read them thoroughly as you prepare for your summer.
Living in Hakodate
General information about Hakodate including HIF student services, useful facilities, internet connections, public transportation, money, emergency, etc.
Domestic Travel
Information to
How to travel to Hakodate.
Useful information and tips for maintaining good communication and relationship between you and your host family.
Be comfortable with being uncomfortable. Studying abroad in a different country can no doubt be an intimidating experience, however ...
I came to HIF with the goal of improving my Japanese while learning about Japanese culture, and I certainly achieved that and so much more ...
I walked away from HIF with confidence in my Japanese speaking ability, but more than that, love for the city of Hakodate. Spend time learning ...
North Carolina at
Chapel Hill
If you're considering between HIF and another study abroad programs, wonder no longer. Between the staff, teachers, community, and ...